_________ استفاده از مطالب اين سايت با ذکر منبع بلامانع است _________

" کانون قلم"


نامه کریم حقی به پائولو کازاکا نماینده پارلمان اروپا از کشور پرتغال

ایران آینده


از اینکه بالاخره شجاعت به خرج داده و از مجاهدین اجازه گرفتید تا با ما مکاتبه داشته باشید خوشحالیم.
متاسفانه باید بگویم که با تئوری شما که معتد به تروریست خوب و تروریست بد هستید موافق نیستم.
از نظر ما رفسنجانی؛ فلاحیان و ...همانقدر تروریست هستند که دوستان شما مسعود و مریم رجوی.
هر دو این طیف اعتقادی به مبانی حقوق بشر نداشته و با دمکراسی میانه ای ندارند.
ما با دقت تمامی تحرکات و فعالیت های شما را به نفع مجاهدین زیر نظر داریم و ما شما را به همراه آقای استیونسن از اسکاتلند از فعالیترین حمایت کنندگان از این گروه تروریستی می دانیم.
ما می دانیم که شما به حمایت خود از مجاهدین افتخار می کنید اما امیدوارم روزی حقیقت را درک کنید.
ایرانیان تبعیدی مخالف رژیم جمهوری اسلامی که برای آزادی و دمکراسی در ایران فعالیت می کنند از خود می پرسند؛ که علت اینهمه فعالیت شما به نفع گروه تروریستی مجاهدین چیست؟
حمایت بی حد ومرز شما به نفع مجاهدین و مجموعه حرکات شما به نفع مجاهدین آیا از اعتقاد شما به حقوق بشر و دمکراسی در ایران نشات می گیرد و یا اینکه دلایل پشت پرده دیگری دارد؟
ما حتی خبر داریم که یکی از اعضای دفتر شما در اتحادیه اروپا از اعضای مجاهدین می باشد.
امیدوریم که حالت دوم نباشد.
من مطمئن هستم که شما بهتر از هر کس دیگری در جریان این وقعیت هستید که سیاست مجاهدین به مدتهای طولانی بر این بوده است تا با خرید و تطمیع سیاستمداران و قانونگذاران غربی آنها را به خدمت بگیرند.
و بخشی از این را از ارباب قبلی خود صدام حسین یاد گرفته اند.
( لطفا راپرت نفت در مقابل غذا را مطالعه کنید)

من امیدوارم که شما جزو این نفرات نباشید چونکه نهایتا حقیقت روشن خواهد شد کمااینکه در مورد تعدادی این چنین بوده است.
من دوست دارم به دو مورد توجه شما را جلب کنم.
اولین مورد در باره افشاگری رشوه دادن مجاهدین به سناتورهای امریکایی که در نشریه امریکایی
American Spectator در ژانویه 1998 در مقاله ای تحت عنوان Senator Torricellis Terrorist List friends  منتشر شد. ( لینک به مقاله)

دومین مورد در باره خانم ادیت کرسون از فرانسه است که سالیان طولانی از حمایت کنندگان مجاهدین بوده است و اخیرا به دلیل تخلفات مالی توسط کمیسیون اروپا محکوم شد. ( لینک به مقاله اصلی)

و اما در مورد دیدگاه شما که مجاهدین را بعنوان یک آلترناتیو دمکراتیک برای ایران مطرح می کند باید بگویم که شما به شدت اشتباه می کنید.
اعتقاد به دمکراسی تنها در حرف نیست بلکه در عمل باید آن را اثبات کرد. زمانیکه به مجموعه فعالیتها و اقدامات مجاهدین در طول بیست ساله گذشته نگاه می کنیم هیچ شکی باقی نمی ماند که اینها کی هستند و به دنبال چه چیزی می باشند.
نوع دمکراسی مورد اعتقاد مجاهدین همان مدل وحشتناک مورد ادعای حکومت ایران و صدام حسین می باشد.
همانطوری که در اول نامه مطرح کردم گسترده گی فعالیت های شما در حمایت از مجاهدین منجمله شرکت در کنفرانس های متعدد از امریکا و عراق گرفته تا کشورهای مختلف اروپایی یک سوال مهمی در ذهن ما ایجاد می کند.
من بعنوان یک شهروند اروپایی از شما می پرسم بعد از اینهمه انرژی و وقت که جهت ساپورت از مجاهدین صرف می کنید به طور روزانه چه وقتی برای انجام وظایف اصلی شما بعنوان نماینده پارلمان اروپا می ماند؟
مجددا تکرار می کنم که خوشحالم که شما با ما تماس گرفتید و امیدوارم که بتوانیم این دیالوگ را با اجازه دوستان شما ادامه بدهیم.
اگر نگرانی شما واقعا بخاطر مردم ایران و سرنوشت آنهاست؛ پس تفاوت بین دیدگاههایمان نباید مانع ادامه این دیالوگ باشد.

با احترام
کریم حقی
ایران پیوند



To Mr. Paulo Casaca

 From Karim Haghi Moni of Iran Peyvand Association


I would like to congratulate on your courage to have finally received the necessary permission from the Mojahedin in order to talk to us. Unfortunately I have to tell you that I do not share your theory of “good terrorist, Bad terrorist”. There is no such a thing even if you seem to thinks that.

In our opinion, Rafsandjni and Falahianare the same kind of terrorist as the likes of your friends Massoud and Maryam Rajavi.

They are both abusers of human rights and lack the basic and fundamental understanding of democracy.

We have paid close attention to your personal activities for the terrorist organization of Mojahedin, and we regard you along with Mr. Stevenson of Scotland as the chief supporters of this group. You obviously take great pride in this but I can only hope that someday you would come to terms with the honest truth.

There is a question that has been brought up amongst Iranian movements fighting for a democratic change of your support for the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq. This question is in regards to your unconditional support for Mojahedin and whether this is a legitimate desire for democratic change inside Iran or that there are other factors involved.

We hope it is not the latter part.

I’m sure you know better then anyone the long and secret policy of Mojahedin in buying off politicians and lawmakers for their total alliance. After all they have learned this from the best of the best, Saddam Hussein (Please read the Oil-for-Food Report).

I hope dearly that you are not among these people because soon or later the truth will come out just as it has for others. I would like to direct you to two recent instances:

The first one deals with the exposing of funding by the Mojahedin to senators in the United States, all of which was first published in the American magazine, The American Spectator in a January 1998 article titled: “Senator Torricelli’s Terrorist List friends”. (Link to full article)

From the article:

“In 1993 U. S. Senator John McCain, a former Prisoner of War, entered into the Congressional Record a challenge to the FBI and the Justice Department to share information on an international Islamic terrorist organization, the Mujahedin-e Khalq, (MEK), also known as the People's Mujahedin of Iran and the People's Holy Warriors. By that time, the MEK and their associates had funneled massive amounts of money into the campaigns of many members of Congress, some of whom were lobbying government officials on their behalf. Among those were Congressman Torricelli, who, according to FEC documents and numerous published reports, accepted over $100,000 during the 1990s from associates of this organization.

     In response to Senator McCain's request, the FBI, State Department, and other law enforcement agencies released information about the MEK, which was founded in the 1970s by young Iranian Communists with the aim of overthrowing the Shah of Iran. FBI documents show that MEK members murdered several U. S. military members and civilians in this quest and that MEK members were among those in 1979 who invaded the U. S. Embassy in Tehran, kidnapping 52 Americans who were held hostage for 444 days. After the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and installed a puppet Communist regime, the new Iranian government banned the Communist MEK and they fled to neighboring Iraq, where they received the support of Dictator Saddam Hussein. MEK terrorists fought alongside the military of Iraq during the 8-year war between Iraq and Iran and continued their association with Hussein during the Gulf War against the United States and it's allies.

     As a result of these warnings by the U. S. government, by 1997 only four Congressmen were still accepting substantial contributions from the MEK and their associates, according to an issue of The Iran Report, a publication of the Middle East Data Project. That report named the four as being Robert Torricelli, Gary Ackerman of New York, Dan Burton of Indiana, and James Traficant of Ohio. In February 2001 the FBI arrested 7 Iranians at the Los Angeles International Airport for illegally raising funds for the MEK. The 7 solicited money from travelers after showing them photographs of children starving in Iran, with the promise that their money would go to humanitarian relief efforts. Instead, according to the FBI, the money was used to buy rocket-propelled grenades and other explosives, which have been used by the MEK in their attacks on innocent civilians.”

The second one deals with Mrs. Edith Cresson from France who was also a strong supporter of the Mojahedin and subsequently was convicted of breach of her obligations as a European commissioner. (Link)

But on the matter that you look at the Mojahedin as a democratic alternative, I have to let you know that you couldn’t be more wrong. A belief in democracy is not limited to words but also actions. But when you look at the steps that Mojahedin have taken during their 20 years of existence it leaves no doubt about whom they really are and what they represent. The kind of democracy that Mojahedin believe in is in the same league to the barbaric Iranian regime.

It has come to our attention that one of the people working in your own offices are in fact a member of Mojahedin and as I stated in the beginning of this letter that from the kind of work that you have performed for MKO in attending conferences anywhere in Europe, United States and even Iraq an important question comes to mind:

I ask you, as a European citizen, after all the work that you put in for the Mojahedin day in and day out, how do you find the time to do your duties for the Portuguese people?

I reiterate that I’m still glad that we finally made contact with you and I look forward to continuing this dialogue with you, if permitted from your friends. If your concern is truly for the people of Iran and their fate, then our differences should not hinder the continuation of this dialogue.


Sincerely Yours

Karim Haghi Moni

Iran Peyvand Association



 سایت قلم از انتشار مطالب و مقالاتی که در آن کلمات توهین آمیز استفاده شده، معذور است

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